Luke 11:46
Matthew 23:4
It is nice and pleasant to think that this word was given to some royally dressed priests who managed the ceremonies, with great pomp and tradition, enlightening people to the knowledge of the law. Unfortunately circumstances today are not much different. The terms are different, but roles often are the same. On a Sunday morning there stands the priest. He enlightens us because he is the one who has been qualified by the paper on his wall. Instead of giving out keys to the kingdom and teaching how to use them he holds the key and says come back next week. He cripples growth because he acts as a tiny bottleneck to God's voice, if he indeed is listening for it at all. His old covenant prececessors maintained a earthly temple, so it is engrained in his mind to do the same, never questioning any other way. Most of the gifts given to God go towards his own salary or to maintain this earthly building. This is ok though because it is good to give people comfortable place to hear knowledge preached to them. Never mind what might change if the entire offering was given to kingdom building ideas. Never mind what relational bonds may occur if hospitality were practiced hard. The structure and expectations Satan has gradually lulled us into are quite perfect. They twist the Word just enough to lulling us to sleep. No wonder the narrow road is so narrow. Jesus' bride is asleep. Must be frustrating to God to watch.