Matthew 14:31
The storm raged, Peter called out, Lord if it is you let me walk out to you. Peter did, and he walked on water. It was not an illusion, it wasn’t a trick, his feet somehow remained buoyant enough to hold him up. Waves rose and fell around him and yet he floated. This would be simple insanity to watch. It was three in the morning and likely some of his friends thought they were seeing things. In the end, the waves and fear drove out his faith, but the fact remained. He had tasted it, faith. Jesus instantly grabbed him. Peter had stepped out in faith and for a short moment, he conquered the storm. He was above the grasp of the enemy. The moment he began to slip, as we all do at times, Jesus was there, grabbing us, rescuing us, reassuring us. Why did you doubt me? How many of us have had seeds of doubt creep in, in the midst of difficulty? We look around and see what looks like waves, it dawns on us that they may be too high, too powerful, and doubt enters our mind. Maybe Jesus is far off? Maybe he doesn’t care? Maybe I’ve put my faith in the wrong thing? We all will have the opportunity to choose what we put our faith in. We might choose to put our faith in Jesus, but even in doing so we might stay in the boat. Walking with Jesus in relationship seems to be a interesting thing in this regard. We might profess with our mouths that He is Lord, but never put ourselves in a situation that requires His strength. There are some who will spend their entire life staying in the boat, God only knows their salvation, but I suspect that it grieves His heart. For God is a big God that wants to do big things. This, I know, if Peter could walk on water with only a little faith, then I want a lot of faith.