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99 Treasure Map

God's word is well described as a treasure map. It guides us, informs us, warns us, and inevitably leads us to the treasure, which is God and relationship with Him. It is important to remember that there are some who collect treasure maps, and hang them on their wall just to look at them. Maybe they like the language used in them or their artistic value. Maybe they stand at their wall gazing at them studying every contour because of their ancient patina or historical value. The content of the map itself may seem like a fable or myth, meant to be enjoyed and imagined, but not experienced. Why, after all, would there be any value to this map if there were no actual treasure at the end of it.

It is not enough to simply be hearers of the word. You must be doers of the word. It is only in acting on what God promises that you receive the treasure He promises.


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