When trading stocks it is not the thought that counts. It is the trade. It's always easy in hindsight to say we made an excellent or poor decision, but the fact is there is no return if you do not participate. Following God is a bit like this. It is easy to study, practice, theorize, or talk about what it means to follow God, but until we actually obey and do what He says, fruit will not be had. So much of this initial step seems to be accurately hearing God's voice and knowing His leading. This process is again like a stock pick. Our own clouded hearts quite often get in the way, the first few trades might not be perfect. The first few picks might not quite be at the bottom of a dip. We might get discouraged, thinking we hadn't heard right. God's timing might just be different. It is a difficult process. Hearing God's leading and walking confidently in it. God knows the process, and He knows our hearts. He knows the steps it is for each of us, and He loves us in spite of our hesitance. He remains patient, because He leaves the choice with us, but it is important to remember that choosing not to follow, is like choosing not to make the trade. God might allow us to keep what we have been given, He might not, but we surely will not grow into what He designed us to be if we do not risk ourselves and make the trade.
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