More often than not I am guilty of frustration when one of my tools or building materials gets used for an unintended purpose. I wish I could say I was always patient when a bucket of screws I needed gets used or my best screw gun gets left out in the snow. One time though gave me perspective. I had a bucket of shims I had cut for setting door frames. One day I came home to find the contents of that bucket made into doll furniture. This time, unlike others, I simply thought that is pretty cute furniture, and told my daughter I liked her creativity and work.
This thought led to another. It is likely the same with us. We as children of God, are not as mature as we think we are. I wonder how often we go before God, heedless of His voice and His guiding. We use up things He intended elsewhere, we abuse the tools He has given us, we fail to work with Him and try to do things on our own. We might even have a good heart in doing so. It is simply our immaturity and failure to walk with God in relationship rather than ahead of Him. It strikes me that God, as the perfect Father, doesn't look on us in anger when we are this way. He adores our creativity and hearts even when we get ahead of Him. Sometimes there are costs to our walking out of step, but we always have the opportunity to regain our stride and again join Him in close relationship. The goal seems to be this. When we give our lives to God we should strive to walk with Him. This means not to walk in stride with someone else who is walking with God, or trying to guess where He'll be and meet Him there. It means learning His voice and responding to it in eager expectation, knowing that a direction change isn't a big deal.