There is another option to putting on the armor of God. An option that might seem effective to us in the moment, but in the end will surprise us. It is remarkably easy, and allows us to remove ourselves from the gore, heartache, and sacrifice of spiritual warfare. We might be able to go so far as spend our entire lifetime exercising this other option. What other option is there but to put on the armor of God, you may ask? Well the other option is to entirely avoid the battle.
I think of David's brothers that day he came to visit and discover Goliath's taunts. David's brother Eliab was the one in particular. In anger Eliab confronted his youngest brother, mocking his intent, saying you just came to see the battle. What have I done now, David replied. I can imagine the cutting and defensive tones in this conversation, but the truth remained. There was a battle on the doorstep and David's brothers were there to fight. Or were they? Was Eliab's aggressive stance towards his youngest brother one born out of shame rather than keen judgement. Eliab was one of countless soldiers there that day. Maybe he was a good fighter, maybe he was not, but just like all the rest he had a choice. To join the battle, or hide in cowardice. The first would require much. It would require preparing your mind to fight. It would force physical fitness so you must be in good shape. It would require your ears to be attentive to the commands and direction of the one whom you are fighting for. Lastly, you would need armor. The better tailored your armor could be to your own self, the more effective you would be as a soldier in your kingdom's army.
There is another option though, one that doesn't require a focused mind, fitness, attentiveness, or armor. It starts like this. We accept salvation from the only One who can give it. A free gift we call it. In this country and many others God has already given many other blessings so adding salvation from hell, might simply be one more to add to a long list of gifts from a generous God. All this adds up to not entirely realizing the gravity of what we have been saved from and what we have been saved for.
Judging hearts is not my job and I cannot do it. Only God can, but when Jesus says though depart from me, I never knew you. I suspect there will be some in our ranks who are turned away. They may have indeed spent much time with soldiers, but when faced with battle they stood on the sidelines. They shrunk back in fear and excuse, and soon it became a habit. Showing their face in the grub line and taking part in the minimum required training, but when the fight was on the door step and Goliath was taunting their commander they hid in their tents.
When we take the name of our savior Christ, let us not join under false impression. We join to fight. Each specifically designed for a purpose. It will not be easy. It will require more than much. It will require our all. When we give our all to God's kingdom, this is what is realized. That it is the only cause worth giving our all to and God knows exactly what we will need. He brings sweet rest in the seasons we need it. He provides the correct protections when we seek it. He provides all of the spiritual bread and water we need to continue the fight. So let us not lash out at our little brother, who calls out our cowardice, but instead join the fight. Let us be inspired by the youngest brother David that simply heard what was needed, and was willing.