The story of David and the giant casts an interesting light onto the armor of God. We are asked to put on armor in Ephesians 6 in order to do battle with the enemy. What is interesting though is when Saul agreed to go let David fight the gargantuan growling Goliath he tried to give him is own armor. David tried it on, but quickly realized it didn't fit. Who knows what would have happened had he toddled out wearing Saul's clumsy misfitting armor. I wonder if things may have turned out differently had David had taken his protection into his own hands. David did not do this and we know how things turned out, but I think quite often we do exactly the opposite of what David decided to do. When facing adversaries in life, whether they be enemies, circumstances, or even difficult tasks we try to put on armor fitted for others rather than go directly to God for our protection. We copy the methods of someone we admire, rather that study closely the life of Jesus. We'll pick up a twelve step guide from the church library than delve into what God's himself says. Each of these is not inherently bad, but we need to be intentional to put on God's armor rather than anyone else's. To do anything else leaves us vulnerable to the enemy.
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