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62 Living Water

John 7:37-38

What does water do for us? The world wide web say that it helps our bodies in many ways. Our bodies need water, it is inescapable. If we don't get it we die, I'd we don't get enough of it our health suffers. The physical world is here and now and it is easy and logical for our physical lives to be to much the focus sometimes. We believe in the everlasting nature of our souls, but our focus is still on the moment that is now rather than the eternal.

It is interesting to think of all the ways water helps the body and hear Jesus say that He is the living water. Water controls and helps us to use our calorie intake. Without Jesus guidance and control the things around us easily get mis-used. It could be talents and abilities that are used selfishly, or our priorities that get placed in the wrong spots. We are prone to self destruction without the spirits input.

Water energizes and grows muscle. The same with God in our lives. We are capable of more with Him than we are on our own strength.

Water helps our skin look and feel good. Physical health is reflected at a glance in our appearance. Healthy and good skin not only have an appearance of health, but unhealthy skin can cause pain, hamper our ability to do things, and let bacteria in that has the potential of destroying us. Jesus bringing healthy skin is a good picture of His protection, but also His creativity and beauty of design.

Water helps the kidney. When impurities and toxins enter our body whether by choice or not our kidney has a job to filter out these things to protect us from harm. Jesus guidance in our lives does the same in protecting us from behavior and decisions that would harm us.

Almost every function of our body requires water in some way to exist, and not just in a small way, in a vitally essential way. Our need for a savior, for a relationship with God, is like our need for water. It's often easy to ignore what He does for us. Even before we know him He is working. Jesus plainly says our need for His living water far outweighs our need for physical water. Earthly water is not replaced in the here and now but simply there as a constant and daily reminder of our same need for spiritual water.

What Jesus brings does not stop with health though. The purpose of this health is to overflow with this living water on to those around us. To fill, to encourage, to nourish, to seed.


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