What is the value of knowing God's word?
A friend had a problem. She left her phone behind and behind locked doors. There are too many odd twists and turns to tell the whole tale, but it boils down to this. In her phone were the numbers she needed to call to unlock the doors to retrieve her phone to make the calls. Quite a dilemma. In hearing this tale there was one shortcut that could have been had if she simply would have known a number that was instead stored in her phone. Much hassle could have been spared. I have had more than one conversation with people on the subject of scripture memorization most to no avail. What need is there to memorize when it's all at your fingertips, or it's simply important to know what is in scriptures, but not memorize it. I once thought the same, but I have since found there is more to it. It is funny to think of a situation like my friend that had all the info she needed on her phone, but it was no use to her. It is not a stretch to see a situation that might look the same when it comes to knowing scripture. Whether it be a spiritual inquiry from an interested acquaintance or a reason for the faith we have, knowing God's word in your heart and mind gives you an edge that otherwise would not be had.