I wonder if the idea of assurance of salvation is as big of a question other places as it is here. In many places with more desperate and difficult circumstances, I suspect it is not. It seems to me like the question "am I saved" comes from a heart of religion more than a heart of relationship. We so often try to determine what the minimum standards are for salvation rather than continually trying to give our whole heart to Him. What exactly was Jesus inviting the rich young ruler into by asking him to give up all he owned? Was he saying that salvation must be earned by tithing this certain amount? No, he was inviting the young man to put his trust in Him rather than in his wealth. The greatest assurance of salvation is simply walking with Jesus through life. Seeing Him do things for us and through us. A healthy marriage relationship doesn't constantly check to make sure the minimums are met, but instead gives of themselves sacrificially, knowing your spouse's love because it is daily reminded.
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