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52 Warm Body

Can any of us hope to be more than a warm body? I said in jest that I was a warm body with the point being that my role was insignificant. A self deprecating joke I'm sure, but as I sit and think, I think I might actually be on to something. God is the ultimate power and holds everything together for a purpose. He literally daily prevents my body from going cold with death. In the end He even will cause a valley of dry bones to regain their warmth. It is easy sometimes to think that our labor is fruitless. We might feel as Solomon did that it all ends in ruin, misery, and pointlessness. We try our hardest on our own, we are diligent in our job, build wealth and then pass it on to someone who has not toiled for it. Like warmth of life in our body, purpose is also given by our Maker. He is the great designer. He sees the whole picture. The lump of clay we are may feel fruitless today, but it is God that is shaping us into a useful and unique vessel. Rather than try to think that I, as a lump of clay, recently dug out of a murky river, can shape myself through human qualification, I prefer to remember that I am just a warm body, but one that is willing to be used to God's purpose. It is He that shapes best, it is His qualification I seek, His approval, His correction, His leading, and His strength.


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