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51 Walk on the Water of Self Control

A worship song written by a very special 8 year old girl ends in these words. Walk on the water of self control.

Walking on water is a big deal. To do it is spectacular. It is something you don't see or do every day. When Peter walked on water he was walking towards something. He was walking towards his Master. His Master enabled him to do the spectacular, the awe inspiring, all because he stepped out of the boat in a little faith. To step out out of the boat for us is to focus on the Master, to love him, and to desire to do what He does. Once we step out though, the worldly danger becomes more real to us. It becomes necessary to keep our eyes focused on our goal, which is the Master himself. To walk on the water of self control is to walk with God in a spectacular way that you do not see often, but along with this wonder comes an awareness of the danger, the waves rising and falling, the knowledge that you are only supported by the Creators strength, and the foreboding that you can do nothing to sustain yourself apart from Him. God wants us to walk on water with Him, He wants us to believe He is bigger than the things we see around us. Self control is a thing to grow into, to not be swayed so easily by the things we see around us, and in doing so we can keep our eyes on what is keeping us afloat.


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