John 9
I had the privilege of studying the story of Jesus healing the man that was blind from birth. As I recounted the story I found myself crunching up some chunky dirt in order to be able to make some spit mud as an illustration with the kids. As I crunched up the dirt into dust an interesting thought came to mind. Jesus healed in an extravagantly miraculous way that day. He spit into some dust moistening it into mud. He wiped the mud onto the man's eyes and told him to go wash it off. The man did so and was healed. What I think we quite often do after witnessing something like this is, take note to which dirt Jesus used, and go and take shovel fulls of it to try and recreate what God did. In life today we don't see as many crazy physical miracles as with Jesus, but we do see true heart change and growth. Let us do our best not to try to can the dirt that God uses in one person's life, and instead let's look for the absurd ways God will show up in our own.