If God is infinite in character then I suspect there is nothing that He created that is truly simple. The deeper we dig into science, medicine, psychology, relationship, spirituality, or any realm of discovery always seems to bring more questions. Is to look at something in a shallow way to ignore the creator of it? The creator is complex, intricate, and wonderful. He made us love discovery so that He himself can be discovered. He is the almighty. Does laziness ever drive us to ignore God's complex character? Do we fill this void with second rate distractions when there is a God that has created us for so much more? I wonder if, when we choose to look at something in a shallow or superficial way, are we saying to ourselves there is no value in this. There is no way in which my understanding of an infinite God can grow through this interaction. God delights in our seeking hearts. He delights in us and when we understand this we to can experience joy in Him. Joy and delight seem like an inexplicable thing. They seem almost shallow because of how inexplicable they are, but I suppose that might just be because they are something meant to be explored.
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