As my son and I walked along the forest path we did what men do. We talked about bears. We planned what was to be done when we inevitably happened across one. It was pretty sure to my seven year old son that it could happen anytime. The stick he carried was his first offense. He would jab and swing until he no longer had the stick. At which time he planned to fall back on his yellow belt tai-kwon-do skills. It was a sure thing in his mind, but there was one extra bit in his mind I think. He knew his father walked with him. Carrying a bigger stick, wielded with more strength. I wonder if his surety would have been the same had he been alone. Would he have been as confident? Would he have been as bold? David was confident when he walked out to meet Goliath. Was it that he had trained under martial arts masters? Was it the shepherds staff he carried that gave him courage? Or was it walking with his Father? What would it look like if we walked with our Father into spiritual maturity? If men stood confidently against the enemy, not because they had received a doctorate from some seminary. Not because they had fully funded the church coffers. Not even because they had been there before, but simply because they knew they were sons of the Most High. Heirs to His goodness and backed by His strength.
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