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22 Unnoticed Wonder

I went out this evening to help with something I didn't need to do. On the way there I was met by a grand sight. After a drizzly, dull day of clouds and cold rain the sun peeked under the horizon of clouds for one last look before setting. It's truly a beautiful sight when the last rays of day find themselves sandwiched between clouds that suddenly are bursting with texture and the earth that is showing off it's spring. I could have stayed at home tonight, but I didn't. I went out with a seeking heart and when I did I saw beauty and splendor that would have been just as beautiful as if I had stayed at home. But if I would have I wouldn't have seen it. The sunset didn't change because I was out to see it. It's glory and splendor were unchanged by my presence. Much of our view of God is pitifully small because we choose to stay home instead of seeking Him out. Instead of risking our pride, our time, our passions, our resources, we guard them, thinking they are our own. Each, given by God for a purpose that He longs to use. Our perspective would change if we let Him. How would our perspective change of God's, power, splendor, and purpose if instead of always being content where we are, we pushed into the unknown. Seeking to be met and amazed.


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