Inside a new born baby lies a craving for something it needs to thrive. Milk for a baby is more than just nutrition to grow. It gleans immunities and protections from illnesses the mother has already endured. For this season of it's life the building blocks of fast growth are provided in a efficient and digestible form.
When a person is spiritually reborn, it is natural to crave the understanding and growth that comes from God. He designed us to need nurture and growth and asks mature believers to partner with Him in this. As new believers mature they glean the immunities and experience that older believers have learned and shared as testimony.
What follows as a baby grows into maturity is the need for more than milk alone. The transition into more foods is not always comfortable. It might mean experiencing times of hunger, or times of plenty, there may be where favorites might be offered and times to not be picky. Regardless of the many differences, we still require food for growth and health.
The trap we often fall into is looking to be fed like we were as children. This is wrong. As we mature we gradually carry more responsibility to feed ourselves, and with this to help feed others. We do this spiritually by discipling younger believers.
Our spiritual growth often comes from facing trials of many kinds, and conquering it through the power of God's word. Sometimes it means bearing a painful circumstance with thankfulness. Sometimes it means waiting for God, in faith that He will provide. Other times in abundance it means choosing what is best for our health. God grows us each uniquely to maturity but again He does not do this simply so that we can be mature. He does this so that we can be His hands and feet, discipling those around us into mature relationship with Him.