My wife went into the gas station knowing her children, and with kind and loving intentions for them, she came out with a big ol slushee and hopped in the car. Within a few seconds my daughter asked "can I have some mom"? Following was a chorus of similar requests, my wife whiped out the extra cups she had grabbed inside and promptly split it up for them. My children knew their mother was good. They weren't afraid to ask her for something that was good. Before they even asked she had prepared the good thing for them. If they hadn't have asked they may not have received.
We are often limited in our view of God. Sometimes we are afraid to ask, we may ask in fear or timidity not understanding God's good nature. Our prayers affect God and affect life. Sometimes God is preparing things ahead of our asking. Sometimes our asking is ahead of our readiness. Almost all of the time we don't see the whole grand story God is writing. Our job is not to assess His goodness based off our prayers, but to know His goodness by faith and relationship, and then desire and enjoy what He desires and enjoys.