Matthew 13:31-32
The mustard seed is a good representation of our role in partnership with God to grow His kingdom. Quite often we measure our actions without realizing how God is guiding, watering, and nurturing our obedience to Him. It is a good thing to realize how small our input is into God's plan. A mustard seed is our input. A small and insignificant seed that grows into a large and beneficial plant. A plant that not only offers blessing to the harvester but while it is yet growing it offers a blessing of shade and refuge. Just like this, when we join in relationship with God to invest in those He loves, we sow our small seeds of love. It is then God that places the right soil, provides the right nutrients, nurtures with rain, protects from disaster, and grows it larger than we could imagine. Our action of sowing is multiplied, and the fruit of our sowing is not only enjoyed by others at harvest, but throughout the process of growth.