Numbers 16:45,48
"Get away from all these people so that I can instantly destroy them, but Moses and Aaron fell face down on the ground."
"He stood between the dead and the living and the plague stopped."
We are being ravaged. We are dead and dying and we don't even know it. We already have been turned over to the spirit of distraction and comfort. In this, we have become ineffective. We have created for ourselves a religion that complexly justifies giving half of our heart to God. We have created checklists, job descriptions, minimum standards so that we can assure ourselves we have salvation and yet still enjoy as much of the world as we can without upsetting the balance of our golden ticket. It is interesting thinking of the few that are wholehearted, offering a protection to the unrighteous. The same way Jesus said that the weeds mixed in with the wheat would not be pulled out, lest they would damage the good crop. Many of us in our culture, our complacent religion, deserve judgement. I wonder how many fewer good plants will need to exist before God scraps the whole field and replants it all.