It was said once that the only real expectation in change in the institutional church is slowly over the course of much time. If this is true then I say there is great warning in this truth.
This past few years, drastic change has occurred in the world. Months into 2020 we stopped doing things we normally did. We did things, we do not normally do. We changed, and changed quickly. What for? To protect our physical lives. We made all kinds of excuses, but it still boiled down to the priority of protecting ourselves. Jesus said if you want to be my disciple you must daily pick up your cross and follow me. The cross was the instrument Jesus was to die on. If we are to do the same then the implication has gravity. If we made such drastic changes to our lives in 2020 to protect our earthly lives, then why can we not make drastic changes to alter the course of our spiritual lives that last eternally? I suspect it is because we love the world more than we should. Which begs the question if we love the world more than we ought, is the love of the Father in us at all? Why are we not desperately trying to address the spiritual condition with the same urgency we addressed our physical lives in 2020?
Maybe drastic change can only occur in the midst of crisis? Maybe we should assess whether we are rich or not and then take Jesus at His word when He says it is impossible for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God. For the sake of eternity ask yourself what you care most about. If it is not God, then God will not force you to be with Him for all of eternity.