As I walked along the beach I couldn't help but notice the garbage. It was everywhere. The crashing waves carried it in with violence and left it without remorse. It reminds me of a time of my life where circumstances seemed to come in like a storm. I had made my plans, but they went to pots. It felt like all that was left was debris. It was a few years of turmoil and unsurety.
As I walked along the beach though I began to find what I sought after. Bit by bit I discovered sea shells. Along side the garbage scattered beach I found more colorful and unique treasures than I could pick up. It struck me as an odd irony how so many little treasures of beauty and creativity sat out among the waste.
But then I thought back. I thought back to this time and others. Times that seemed cluttered by heartache, by discouragement, by brokenness or by sin. It is in these times that God inevitably hides little treasures of His love and encouragement. Treasures that may be missed if you are not searching. It is so easy in a season of discouragement, to only see the bad or the wrong. It is God who gives us the eyes to see past the brokenness to the treasure trove of beauty He mixes in along our path of redemption.