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186 National Responsibility

Christians are more responsible for the fate of our nation than we realize, but it's not for the reason we think.  It's not because we don't show up to vote on election day.  It's not because we voted for the wrong person or right person if we do.  It's not even because we outcry against ungodly policy that politicians implement.  It's not because we don't pray enough or hope enough.  It is because we have forgotten our purpose as Christians.  It is to love and serve God with all of our hearts.  The American dream has crept in and we have accepted it's idolatry.  We have created institutions and traditions of religion instead of simply being the hands and feet of Jesus.  We have forgotten that the God who called us, doesn't want halfhearted worship.  He doesn't want the gifts He has given to become idols that replace Him.  It is for the remnant that He preserves a nation or destroys it.  If that remnant turns from their purpose, He will raise up another to offer His testimony.  



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