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181 Wild Card

Children are a bit of a wild card. You might say that they offer a spontaneity to life that might be missed if they weren't around. It is interesting thinking about this in a church setting. It is so easy for Christians to set themselves into unbreakable routine and tradition. I wonder if Gods place for children in a church body is to guard against this tendency. A crying baby in the middle of a service. A wild and imaginative idea offered by a child unbound by preconceived notions. Energy and enthusiasm when a fresh outlook is needed. What critical part of the body of Christ do we cut off when we rebuff the children in the way the disciples did. If Jesus rebuked them, then I rebuke the Church. I'm not talking about locking the kids away in a room and telling them Bible stories under the false pretense you are training them. I am talking about taking seriously the fact that Jesus said you will not enter the kingdom unless you believe like a child. Unless of course we are content with the way things are. Maybe we are healthy. Maybe this thing we call the bride of Christ is walking in purity. Maybe it's ok for us to give half of our hearts to God in thanksgiving for salvation. Maybe the miracles were just for Bible times. Maybe Jesus didn't mean what he said when he promised his children an inheritance. Maybe we, who are lukewarm, are about to be spit out.


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