Malachi 2:15
We, as The Church, are likened to a bride. We are wooed, courted and then called by the God of the universe. His love abounds for humans who choose to answer His call and His vow. What is the purpose of this union between Jesus and His church? Some say the purpose is simply fellowship. To say this is to say I married my own wife simply to have fellowship with other married people. How wrong and demeaning this is to the holy price Jesus paid. We have been called for a purpose that goes far beyond our human need for community. We have been called to offer testimony to the nations of God's mighty name. Is the testimony we offer to those around us a testimony of might? Or is it a testimony that rides the fence? A testimony that says we can gain salvation, while still holding on to the love of the world. Only time will tell, but God is kind enough to put this message on the hearts of people all over the nation, who see the warning and speak to prevent the curse that God is hesitant to send.