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167 Scary Swings

Fear often cripples us in doing the things God asks.  The things He asks often seem daunting, unattainable, or even pointless to us.  It's easy for us to stay put, and reason ourselves out of action.  I watched a kid stand on a swinging platform hold onto a rope for what seemed to be ages.  Fear held her to inaction and kept her from swinging off into the water.  She watched countless others pass her without any injury, but still she struggled to gain the courage.  God gives us options with our lives.  He wants us to partner with Him in relationship.  Sometimes He asks us to do hard things that stop us in our tracks.  Sometimes, when this happens we turn and take another path.  God, in His patience and kindness often opens up that lesser path and allows us to walk down it.  The problem comes when we think this lesser path is our calling.  I was privileged to watch this young lady stew over her jump and finally make it.  She came up out of the water and said "let's go again!". I hope when God asks me to do more hard things I don't reason my way out of things, but I do what He is calling, knowing He will meet me and sustain me.  When it is complete, I hope it gives me a better picture of how big and good and wonderful our God is and I hope to say "Let's go again!"


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