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15 God's Dilemma

By creating us, God put himself between a rock and a hard place. His nature, character, and being are unimaginably infinite in most every way. How could He create something to love and be loved if He made them to be completely aware of his complete nature? If these tiny creatures were aware of His greatness they would serve, they would love out of fear of being smitten. They would not have choice. Love preserves the opportunity to love in return. Love does not force itself on another. So God structured this world He created, in a way that hides His true magnitude. He chose to reflect Himself in His creation instead of being visible. Staring at the sun is not possible, but staring at the sun reflected off of the moon is possible. He left the imprint of himself all over creation. Not only in creation, but he often breaks the rules of the natural with the supernatural. He could have gone to the other extreme and created a machine to be in motion until the last day. He could have chosen to not be involved, not to seek relationship with the living. He could have left it entirely up to us to find Him, to believe or not on our own. But He didn't. He does involve himself in our lives if we ask Him. He walks with us because this blink of a lifetime we have is meant for something. Like the moon, we are meant to carry the reflection of the Son. We are meant to reflect His light into those around us. So they know that this God who they wrestle with believing does exist wants to be known.


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