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143 David's Brothers

It is almost comical thinking of the host of qualified fighters found in the Israeli army when they faced the Philistines.  Doubtless they had their ranks and reputations for manliness.  They probably did as men do, playing their games, vying for the alpha male position.  Maybe they arranged certificates for furthering their battle skills and bolstering their resume.  However a day came when it was all meaningless.  A giant came out and they were afraid.  They cowered like broken children behind the fighting line.  The strength and wisdom they thought they had, failed. 

The strength and  wisdom we put in our education, our knowledge, our physical prowess, our occupation, our savings account, our ability, will fail.  Our culture of independence has led us to attempt to gain independence from God.  We may say we believe that He is almighty, but do we put ourselves in a position where our own strength is not enough?  We say we believe He is in control of our ability to produce wealth, but how often are we generous to the point of no return.  How often do we rely on our education or give credibility to those with certain letters by their name?  We have been blessed to not face an enemy that is much of a challenge.  There once was a king who felt pride in all that he had built.  Shortly after this conclusion he was humbled.  In the end, every knee will bow, every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord.  Let us test ourselves in our Heavenly Father's strength and not our own, before the time of humbling comes.   


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