A church that rejects the notion of prophecy rejects active relationship with the God that they say they worship. Over and again throughout scripture God reveals things good and bad to those with the gift of prophecy. He does not leave His children alone in the world like orphans expected to fend for themselves. He speaks, He cares, He guides, He gives gifts to those who seek Him that are for the benefit of the body. To reject the gift of prophecy is to reject an important way that God wants to strengthen, to encourage, to correct each individual body of believers in the way they specifically need it. It is not only God’s people that suffer at the rejection of this good gift; it is those they are called to reach.
To seek only prophecy though is dangerous. It is easy for man's imagination and selfish ambition to interfere with this gift. God knows this and has prepared for it. To one He gives the gift of prophecy. To another, He gives the gift of discernment to keep motives in check. To reject any good gift given by God is even worse than the third servant that at least chose to accept it even if it was buried. I am so glad God is also gracious and patient while we are still alive on this earth.