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126 Guilt

John 9:41 If you were blind, you would have no guilt, but now that you say, "we see," your guilt remains.

I'm not so sure we are blessed to live in this land that is free and founded on biblical heritage. Bibles litter our shelves. Churches clutter our street corners. Statistics quietly whisper their quiet warning when they say a high percentage of us identify ourselves as Christians. You might say that we are similar to the pharisees that Jesus spoke about. We claim we can see. We claim a Christian heritage, we have free and easy access to knowledge of God, but do we daily take up our cross and follow Jesus? Do we daily take up the instrument of our death knowing that Jesus is more important. I'm not so sure this knowledge and heritage we have been given won't mean a harsher judgement of our guilt at not listening to it. Knowing God's kindness and love, I would almost rather be a member of some lost unreached tribe looking up at the stars knowing and believing that there is a God who created it all.


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