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123 A Baby's Cry

A baby cry's out when it has a need. Its voice can be heard audibly and the feeling of it's anguish is real and can be shared. The baby knows there is a need that it cannot satisfy by itself. The blessing and abundance we experience in our culture and land has brought us to a place where our desperation for God is lacking. We have our jobs to provide for our physical needs. We have our freedoms, which are cause for complacency. We often replace the meaning for life with good things like family, community, or entertainment. We are, without a doubt, blessed. Our blessing comes from above, and is given for a purpose. It is not for us to grow lazy or stop growing at all. We have in abundance, to bless abundantly, and to recognize that our abundance is given by God. He is our daily sustainer and if we do not feel like we need to earnestly seek His presence for sustenance, then it is quite possible we are not living the way He intended. Children of all sizes quite often give us reminders of our spiritual conditions in a physical way. There is a time to be reminded of our desperate need for God's help by hearing a baby's cry. There is a time to watch a younger child make a mess, using their imagination to create. There is a time for silence and respect hearing the voice of an elder sharing wisdom. There is a time to collectively raise our voices in praise of a caring and powerful God. It is the baby's desperate cry that reminds me of my desperate need for God. To write off the value any member of the body, young or old, is to write off a way God may speak to you.

Psalms 8:2


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