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118 Hug For Two

When you choose to be valuable to God's team He often asks you to do things. Things that might seem scary at first, but once you practice, you realize they aren't so hard. A morning like many others mornings I walked out the door on my way to work. It was only my middle daughter that was up. As I do quite often, I gave her a hug, but then gave her two more, telling her that the second set of hugs were ones she needed to share with her siblings as they were not yet awake. As she does she readily agreed, and doubtless the hugs were passed on. We may come early to the table with our heavenly father. We may spend this early morning time with Him being cherished, known, and then sent. There are some God has placed in our lives that need to experience His love and God often invites them to his table through us. I will be the first to say that we do not love perfectly, in fact far from it, but he still uses us to give a hug to someone who needs it. To be a listening ear to someone unsure that God hears. To be a hand up when God wants to offer one. Because of our petty differences the love we share from our heavenly father will not always be received perfectly but it does not let us off the hook in sharing it. In fact it is much like the plank and speck verse. We have responsibility for helping each other with their specks or burdens, but in this responsibility comes the first objective of removing the obvious barricades of our doing so in our own life. If we do not have a sense of urgency to remove the planks in our own eyes then I might ask whether we care at all about being who God asked us to be.


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