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117 Knowledge of God

If knowledge of God is one thing we seek as Christians then where does it come from? From testimony? From the Bible? From belief? No. Knowledge at it's deepest core comes from experience. You know the sun will rise because you have seen it. You know your spouse loves you because they have proved it. You know your parents provided because when you sat down at their table, you ate. Belief comes from testimony. Belief comes from scriptures. Knowledge comes from relationship with the infinite God who created you. Knowledge of His heart comes from loving the things that He loves. Sitting with the down and out and realizing that God adores this castaway that no one else does. Knowledge of God comes from loving the orphan who is nothing but trouble. It is in undertaking an impossible love that you gain knowledge of God's true character. Knowledge in a way that surpasses talk, surpasses belief, because you feel it. You feel the wall you hit when you have run out of love, but then you realize God still cares. He still pursues. Until that last breath, God leaves the door open, the invitation unsealed, knowing the outcome, but preparing anyway.


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