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104 In Our Image

Genesis 1:26

Genesis 2:24

From the question of a child again stirs thought. Is this God we serve a man or a woman? From our earliest years we know there is a difference between the two so we ask this about God. Let us create humans in Our image, God said in the beginning. Man and woman He created them. Each different, but each for a very good and specific purpose. God is neither man, nor woman, but in God's image man and woman was created. So God's image and character contain both the masculine as well as the feminine. God tenderly loves as a mother does, all the while maintaining the authority, direction, and provision of the father. God's love is reflected to His children in the relationships He establishes. His love is also reflected in the marriage relationship. He calls the church His bride and seeks partnership with us in growing His kingdom. His love is also reflected in the parent child relationship. He calls us His children and in doing so gives us opportunity to raise children ourselves. In this picture of His love and creation He again created man and woman separately, but with the intention of bringing them together in marriage to create new life. In the love and commitment of the marriage relationship, two become one, and new life comes from this union. From their earliest moments, the son or daughter that is born is given the chance to experience God's complete love in experiencing the love of the father as well as the love of the mother. God created marriage as a tool to show even the smallest child, a reflection of His perfect love, through the union of a mother and the father. To deviate from this design, is to deviate from the very building blocks that God instituted to reveal to us His character. When we accept anything else as from God we are distorting the reflection of His true character and love. We are in essence, assuming His responsibility as the designer. When we replace God with ourselves we step into the same trap that Satan himself fell into when he thought that he could and should be god himself. There is a heavy burden in the distortion of the marriage relationship.


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