When we join a sports team it is a commitment. It means we might have to say no to other activities or travels in order to be present and valuable to our team at practice and at games. If we were to join a team and practice halfheartedly or show up when we felt like it, how valuable would we be to our team? If game day came and we found that we had other commitments that conflicted, then what benefit would we even be to the success of our teammates. At what point in a halfhearted team membership should we simply be cut by the coach and our uniform returned. On one hand the joys of winning will not be felt if we quit the team, but on the other the sorrow of failure can be separated from our lackluster approach. Or is it? If we join a team and give it our all then we share in the glory, but if loss is experienced after we have fizzled and quit then who is to say part of the blame doesn't lie on our shoulders.
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