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147 1 John 2:17 God's Will

"The one who does the will of God lives forever."  God is the judge of forever, but the idea of faith without works is a heavy subject.  It is so easy to make this whole Christianity thing cute and pretty.  We say all you need is to believe and then you can continue on loving your sports, your careers, your family, as long as you maintain a certain checklist of actions that measure you as spiritual or not. By the apostle Paul's own remarks this is wrong. He indeed preached a message of repentance and turning to God, but he followed this with the exhortation to prove their repentance by their actions. By their good works. Good works are not the focus, or the qualification, but if an intense desire to do God's will is not felt, then it might just be a better measure of our salvation than some church checklist.

What is God's will? To do the work He assigns us. To lighten the load of those who work for you. To free those who are wrongfully imprisoned and to visit the ones who are rightfully imprisoned. To share your food with the hungry. To shelter the homeless. To clothe the naked. To give to those in need. To care for the ophan and the widow in distress. To love, not those who are easy to love, but those who are difficult.


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