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89 The Irony of Growth

God has an ironic sense of humor. When our bodies mature they arrive at a point where they stop growing and instead maintain. Often...

88 The Body

It is interesting thinking about the role of the carpenter and how it relates to the role of the engineer and the architect. The best...

87 God of Creativity

I don't know about other parents, but I love to turn my kids loose with duct tape, cardboard, and string. Watching them create is much...

86 Faithful in the Little

Luke 16:10 One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much... More often than not, when following God, we do things in the...

85 Reach The Pedals

I was talking with a few kids about learning to drive. The kids were young and filled with gusto at their abilities. They described...

84 Health and Fitness

When it comes to the question of church health. When a group of believers is in a setting where persecution is absent or minimal it...

83 Geese

Geese are interesting. When it comes to flying long distances they are expert. At most given moments there are only two that are not...

82 In the Father's Arms

From their earliest age I've held each of my children in church to build the habit of rest and security in mind. I wanted Sunday church...

81 Secret Wink

I winked at my daughter the other day. She promptly winked back. My wife was reading a book to the kids at the time and it's not her...

80 Pack Like a Child

I took each of my kids camping this summer one on one. I asked them to pack what they thought they would need and I would plan the rest....

79 Bar Hoppers

Is going to church primarily to seek self satisfaction and social community any different then attending a bar for the same reasons. One...

78 Need of a Savior

Humans have an inherent need for a savior. Either entertainment to bring enough distraction to keep from thinking deeply or seriously. ...

77 Strength

Strength is measured in God's eyes by how it is used instead of how much is given. A weak person might be much stronger in every regard...

76 Strong Relationship

What is it that causes relationship to grow deeper? Is it when no feathers are ruffled, no disagreement occurs, no variance, no...

75 Past the Sandbar

We stopped while canoeing on a log trapped on a sandbar. My son and I waded out to see how gradually the gravel tapered off into the...

74 Piñatas

Piñatas Nothing reveals the true heart of mankind quite like a piñatas. The piñata is a gift given in love. I've never heard of one being...

73 Seek His Kingdom

Matthew 6:33 Seek first His kingdom. More often than not, we build our own kingdom alongside God's kingdom instead of fully making our...

72 Run and Hide

There is another option to putting on the armor of God. An option that might seem effective to us in the moment, but in the end will...

71 God's Voice

Often in a child's growth and development, in a healthy home, the ability to speak and comprehend speech is something that comes in...

70 Run The Race

It is easy in momentary hardship, to tell yourself to endure for a season and hope again for comfort and ease. When we make the choice to...

69 Fruit

I heard good news today. My second son, whom we had with us a decade ago, was baptized. This son was born not knowing love. His first...

68 Season of Peace

Twice Paul commands us to put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes you will be able to stand firm. We each will...

67 Mathematics

Philippians 2:3 Who misses out when a person thinks too highly of themselves? I suspect it is that person . Live humbly, thinking of...

66 David's Armor

The story of David and the giant casts an interesting light onto the armor of God. We are asked to put on armor in Ephesians 6 in order...

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