188 Hidden Treasure
As I walked along the beach I couldn't help but notice the garbage. It was everywhere. The crashing waves carried it in with violence...
As I walked along the beach I couldn't help but notice the garbage. It was everywhere. The crashing waves carried it in with violence...
What is satan's goal? To kill? To destroy? To prevent God's most precious creation from knowing their Creator. satan wins some, he...
Christians are more responsible for the fate of our nation than we realize, but it's not for the reason we think. It's not because we...
I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if when the Israelites approached the Red Sea there was a kid in Israel that blurted out, "why...
Believe in What does it mean to believe in someone? Do players on a sports team believe in their coach? If so is it enough for the team...
Our personalities are only ever given to us as a guide in our lives, not a track. What I mean by this is that a train cannot veer of its...
Wouldn't it be amazing if God were to place in a body of believers a group of individuals who are unbound? If there were a group of...
Children are a bit of a wild card. You might say that they offer a spontaneity to life that might be missed if they weren't around. It...
John 21:19 "Jesus said this to indicate the kind of death by which Peter would glorify God." We often talk about how we want our lives to...
What is prayer? Is it saying words with your eyes closed and hands clasped? Paul says to pray at all times and in all circumstances. ...
Acts 8:29 The Holy Spirit said go stand by that chariot. What would it look like for Christians to walk in tandem with the Holy Spirit? ...
Malachi 2:15 We, as The Church, are likened to a bride. We are wooed, courted and then called by the God of the universe. His love...
When I first married my wife, my in-laws had a magical acre of tree covered Michigan greenery that felt quite unusual to a plains raised...
Someone said I was full of good ideas. Let's just say I have a few today. Let's restructure things in the church. How about we create...
This isn't something that I hear asked every day, but don't you just love rebar!? It's hidden deep in concrete and cannot be seen, but...
There are so many things in science that we do not fully comprehend. We have scratched the surface of scientific knowledge enough to see...
Our capability to do hard things in God's kingdom is limited by our understanding of who He is and our view of His power. If we are...
Storms in life will come. It's better to know this and expect it rather than be surprised. I was riding my motorcycle back home the...
If God is infinite and His character is reflected in and through His creation, then is there anything that is truly shallow?
I climbed a mountain and it wasn't easy. A friend and I took off one day by the best route we saw possible. It was somewhere neither of...
Storms will come in life. Along with the storms, come moments of peace and beauty. It takes initiative and a seeking spirit to see and...
Fear often cripples us in doing the things God asks. The things He asks often seem daunting, unattainable, or even pointless to us. ...
Hebrews 13:8 says God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. More often than not we think His methodology is also unchanging, but...
I hope I'm never one of those people who spend hours inspecting a campsite to make sure they don't risk being in a place a tree can fall...